Download Bbmp Trade License Hand Book

Annexure E Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike APPLICATION FOR TRADE LICENCE RENEWAL Box 1 Basic information Name of the Applicant: Applicant representing as: Proprietor/ Partner/ Director / Authorized Signatory Name and Address of the Trade Premises: Tel.No. Nature of the trade carried on: (Attach additional sheet, in your letterhead, to enter all product line mentioned in Part I to VII) of Schedule X) Trade classification as per Schedule X Main trade/Commodity (Please see annexure A in the handbook) Schedule X Part No. No: Trade licence No: Zone from where issued: East/West/South Date of issue of trade licence Date of commencement of trade: Additional Branch/godown address (Attach additional sheet, in your letterhead, if required to enter all other branches & godown.) Please note that for each branch / gowdon separate application for renewal along with applicable renewal fee must be made and obtained from the respective jurisdiction Medical Health Officer. If you have multiple licences at present (Please specify) Name of the trade Licence No: 1 2 3 4 Box 2 Zonal Classification For Zonal classification please refer Annexure C of the handbook for renewal of trade licence. Zone Code Sl.

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No: Residential A Commercial Retail Business B Commercial Wholesale Business C Light Industrial D Medium Industrial E Heavy Industrial F 1 Box 3 Details of 5 years renewals Have you availed the scheme to pay 5 years renewal licence fee in the past? Note: From 2007­08 all renewals will be annually only. Yes No If yes, Amount paid Rs. Date For the current year 2007­08 do you wish to pay the difference of the revised fee for the balance years?

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Yes No If yes, Amount paid for the last 3 years, (i.e 04­05,05­06 &06­07) Rs. Amount still at credit Rs.

Difference of revised fee to be paid for balance years, 07­08 & 08­09 Rs. Balance to be carried forward to 08­09 Rs. If No, Amount paid as on date Rs. Difference of revised fee to be paid for current years Rs. Balance to be carried forward to 08­09 Rs. Box: 4: Compounded licence fee (Please see note below Schedule X Part VI) and also FAQ No.

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19) If you are dealing in multiple trade/commodity which one attracts the highest fee payable - Description of the Trade/commodity Schedule X Part No. License Fee prescribed Rs. The compounded renewal licence fee at 2 times the highest fee payable is Rs. Box 5: Old arrears and total license fee payable for the current year 1. Of years licence fee has not been renewed (Enclose copy of last paid receipt) From:­­­­­­­­­­­­to ­­­­­­­­­­­­­ 2. Total Arrears of licence fee payable (at old rates) Total arrears Rs. Total Penalty for arrears (50% of fee at old rates) Rs.

Total arrears + penalty (2+3) Rs. Renewal fee for current year (at new rates applicable) Rs.

Total dues and current renewal fees payable (4+5) Rs. Demand draft drawn on (bank) Date: DD No. Box 6: Power License renewal Are you seeking renewal of power licence Yes for­­­­­­­­­­HP No Have you installed a generator Yes for ­­­­­­­­HP/KVA No Fee payable for power/generator (whichever HP/KVA is higher. Demand draft drawn on (bank) DD No. Rs Please obtain separate drafts for Licence renewal fee and for power licence renewal. 2 DECLARATION BY APPLICANT 1.

I/We ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­do hereby affirm and state that the information furnished by me as mentioned in the application for renewal form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further declare that I am aware that the property for the trade license is sought is specifically for the purpose for which it is issued and does not regularize unauthorized constructions, or violations of building bye laws and regulations and that I may be prosecuted for such infringements even though I obtained a renewal of Trade License under the scheme for automatic renewal. I further understand that my Trade License may be suspended or cancelled in the event it is found that the business is being run in premises that violate existing rules and zonal regulations under the Comprehensive Development Plan 1994 4. I further undertake to have no objection in revoking the Trade License in the case that there are any discrepancies / disputes / defects / false information in any documentation that may be provided by me or stated in the application form. I undertake that I will not employ / engage child labour for the purpose of carrying out the trade.


Signature (Name of the Applicant) Seal of the firm/company Place Date: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­cut here­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Acknowledgment Received trade license renewal application from Shri/Smt/M/s. Along with renewal fee of Rs.vide DD No.on. Bank for the current year and arrears & penalty along with renewal fee for power license for Rs.vide DD No. The applicant may please come along with this acknowledgement to this TRHC between 4­5.30Pm today to collect the renewal certificate. Date: Time: Signature and Seal of Officer/official in­charge of Trade Renewal Health Clinic ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Ward 3 Guide To Fill The Application Form Box 1 In this box you have to furnish basic information like name of the applicant, the address where the trade is being carried on, details of the trade carried on, details of the licence issued, godown particulars. If you have obtained different licences for the different items you are engaged in, please specify. Box 2 Please refer to Annexure D in the HANDBOOK FOR TRADE RENEWAL and fill in the correct serial number in which zone classification your trade premises is located.

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Box 3 Due to legal issues, from 2007, the scheme of 5 years renewal has been stopped. However, those who have availed of this scheme can pay either: 1. The difference amount for the balance period at the revised fee rates or 2. Can pay the difference for the current year and obtain renewal for the current year. After this payment, if there is credit balance, it will be adjusted towards the next year renewal.

Box 4 If you are dealing in multiple trades (products or services) then you will have to state the product that attracts the highest licence fee. You need to pay only twice this amount as licence fee.

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You need not take different licences for each of the trade. Please see the examples mentioned in the FAQ brochure. Box 5 If you have not paid licence fee for the past years, you can now pay the arrears along with the penalty and renew the licence.

Box 6 You have to state the sanctioned KVA/HP. If you have installed a generator, then you need to pay either for the sanctioned BESCOM load or for the generator whichever has the highest KVA/HP.